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Fall Break

Fall Break

Josephine took a break! Yes, you read that correctly Josephine took a break from the farm and took Cooper down to Gulf Shores Alabama. Over a couple days they visited the beach multiple times, visited Dolphin Island and more. Here on the farm work continued…

Happy Fall

Happy Fall

I have been hearing the barred owl again in the early mornings.  Our dogs have been hearing a lot more sounds in the crisp, cool air as well, and have had busy nights of barking and chasing.  Even though the mid days have been hot,…

Fall Clean Up

Fall Clean Up

This week the CSA is getting the last of the storage carrots.  The fall crop of carrots will be ready in a few weeks.  The small shares are getting komatsuna.  It has gotten a little bug nibbled in the intervening week, but it is still…

How Sweet It Is!

How Sweet It Is!

Have you been wondering where the newsletter is?  We were without electricity all day Tuesday so we weren’t able to do it then and we are just now getting to it. How sweet it is to have the sweet potatoes harvested We harvested the sweet…

Pumpkin Patch Dreams

Pumpkin Patch Dreams

Have you ever decided to do something just for fun, to treat yourself, and it ends up going a bit sideways?  This year I thought wouldn’t it be so fun to have pumpkin patch!  Our local friends and members could bring their kids or grands…

Fall CSA Kick Off

Fall CSA Kick Off

Welcome to the Fall CSA.  Right now the shares still look very summery, with lots of produce that will be familiar if you had a summer share.  But every day we are getting more fall crops planted.  So far we have planted Napa cabbage, green,…

It is August, and I am relieved

It is August, and I am relieved

It is August, and I am relieved.  I am relieved to have made it through the crushing heat and mad dash of July.  Not that August is any less hectic or less hot.  But at least now a big chunk of summer – the most…

Summer Rain’s

Summer Rain’s

Did you know that besides Hawaii, Mississippi is the state with the highest annual rainfall?  Good thing July is such a reliably dry month so that we can get the lion’s share of our summer tractor work done.  Ha!  Joke’s on us!  This year July…