A hopeful time of year, plant sale preorders are live

A hopeful time of year, plant sale preorders are live

Vegetable and Herb Plant Sale: Preorder on our website!

The online store is open for preorders for our annual plant sale on April 13th and 20th.  This plant sale features warm season vegetables, annual and perennial herbs, and flowers.  Everything is started from seed in our greenhouse except for the perennial herbs which are purchased as plugs from an organic nursery, potted up and grown out in our greenhouse.  All plants are Certified Naturally Grown.  We specialize in varieties we ourselves grow on the farm, so we know they are successful and delicious.   You don’t need to preorder to shop our plant sale.  Come see us at the Cooper Young Community Farmers Market on April 13th and 20th to browse our selection.   This plant sale does not include our native plants.  We will be having a plant sale featuring native plants in May.

The season of promise

Out on the farm we are finishing up planting the spring garden.  The potatoes are coming up.  The strawberries are blooming.  Heirloom tomatoes are growing in the high tunnel.  The lead-up to the first CSA of the season is always an anxious time.  Even though we are heading into our 13th year, the expectation of spring will always make me nervous.  If you have signed up for a CSA, you can expect an email in the next couple weeks with more details about you pick-up site, our reusable boxes, etc.

It is a hopeful time of year.   It is time to mow down the winter cover crop of oats and peas and start preparing the soil to shape beds for the more cold sensitive crops like squash, beans, and field tomatoes that we will plant out in mid-April.  We always wish we has gotten more done over the restful season.  Little projects we sort of forgot about or just didn’t get to crop up here and there.   We always think there will be enough time, but then spring comes barreling towards us and here we are scrambling again.  The crops are young and the field is mostly pest, weed, and disaster free.  All this will change.  But for now we can imagine a perfect season.