Author: Josephine Alexander

Now Hiring Full-Time Production Manager

Now Hiring Full-Time Production Manager

Tubby Creek Farm is hiring a full-time, year round Production Manager.  This person will work with farmers Jo and Randy and 3-5 seasonal part-time employees to produce high quality, Certified Naturally Grown produce for our CSA program, farmers markets, and wholesale orders. We started Tubby…

2020 CSA Registration Kick Off!

2020 CSA Registration Kick Off!

Our 2020 Community Supported Agriculture program is now open for new members!  Enjoy a box of fresh, seasonal, high quality Certified Naturally Grown produce every week in two different share sizes.  The CSA will begin in mid-April and run through mid-November.  You can sign up…

Happy (almost) Winter Solstice

Happy (almost) Winter Solstice

The big news is that the new wash/pack facility is going up!  The concrete floor has been poured and framing is underway.  If the weather cooperates, it could be done as early as mid-January.   We have nearly reached our financial goals and we still have…

We Made It!

We Made It!

We made it!  We have arrived at the last week of the 2019 CSA!  After that first hard freeze took out all our lettuce I wasn’t sure we were going to get here.  Then we got a week of record breaking cold with early morning…

Beef Pot Pie with Daikon, Sweet Potato and Biscuit Crust

Beef Pot Pie with Daikon, Sweet Potato and Biscuit Crust

Daikon radish grows extremely well for us in the fall, and we almost always have it in abundance.  It is an unfamiliar vegetable to many, and we often get questions about how to prepare it.  Being a winter radish, it is an entirely different thing…

Carrot Top and Fennel Frond Pesto

Carrot Top and Fennel Frond Pesto

I enjoy basil pesto.  I am coming around to arugula pesto.  But this fennel and carrot pesto is my new favorite.  I found several recipe for fennel frond pesto online, but I didn’t have enough fennel, so I decided to use carrot tops as well. …

Building Organic Matter, a Win-Win

Building Organic Matter, a Win-Win

Proof that our soil is getting better Earlier this year we had our soil tested.  I walked around the garden with a trowel and some quart freezer bags, and scooped up soil from various spots, and sent off five separate samples from our crop field. …

Record Highs to Near Record Lows

Record Highs to Near Record Lows

It got real cold, y’all On the last night of October the temperature dipped into the twenties and spelled doom for the tomatoes, pepper, and eggplant.  It was time to say goodbye, anyway.  Unfortunately, and quite unexpectedly, it also froze the broccoli and the bok…