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Mowing Down the Summer Cover

Mowing Down the Summer Cover

Month to month the farm fields are always changing.  Randy just mowed down our summer cover crop of cowpeas and sunflowers.  The sunflowers were blooming and we learned our lesson from last year.  Unbeknownst to us, the sunflowers had gone to seed, leaving a significant…

Tomato Season

Tomato Season

July is the month of tomatoes.  A major crop for us, the month is filled with the endless picking and sorting of tomatoes.  It seems like as soon as the tomatoes are picked, I turn around and they need to be picked again.  Cherry tomatoes,…

Forest through the trees

Forest through the trees

Looking through my phone I realized I took zero pictures of the farm this past week.  And that’s too bad, because it’s a pretty amazing time on the farm right now.  We are hauling in a huge amount of produce, from carrots to cabbage, potatoes…

Rain! and a Little CNG Clarification with Our Onions

Rain! and a Little CNG Clarification with Our Onions

Onions exempt from CNG certification Because we weren’t able to find organic onion sets and instead planted conventionally grown bare-root onion starts, our onions do not meet the appropriately rigorous Certified Naturally Grown standards.  We have grown these onions the same way we grow everything…

Another Tiger Salamander

Another Tiger Salamander

On Wednesday of last week, Emily Field, the state herpetologist out of the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science in Jackson, came to visit the farm.  In August of last year I snapped a picture of a salamander that fell out of one of our silage…

Welcome to the 2023 Summer Share

Welcome to the 2023 Summer Share

Welcome to the 2023 Summer Share!  While summer doesn’t officially start until June 21st, it has sure been feeling like summer on the farm.  The weather has been hot and dry.  Early summer crops like squash and cucumbers are ripening, and I picked a couple…

Final Spring 2023 Share

Final Spring 2023 Share

This is the last week of the Spring 2023 Share!  Thank you so much to all our spring share members.  We love growing your vegetables and are proud to be your family’s farmers. On Saturday after the farmers’ market I drove to Houston, Mississippi to…