So here’s the deal. We’ve got this old barn that fell down at some unknown point in the past. Mrs. Wilson got all the good stuff out of it (t-posts and the like) and had someone come for all the scrap metal. We are left with a big mess that is 95% wood, 5% trash. Not much of the wood it salvagable due to termites and rot.
We’ve got the field, we’ve got the wood. It’s the makings of a pretty good party.
We don’t really have the time to deal with it ourselves. So if you want to bring a few friends, spend a few hours making a woodpile, and then burn it we would be more than happy. You can bring your tents and camp out.
Let us know if you are interested. We’d really like to do it some time this spring when the rains are keeping everything wet and safe for burning, and before the field grows up too much.