Tag: Kiko

Greens & Goats

Greens & Goats

The box this week is just brimming with leaves.  Red and green, sweet and spicy, crunchy and tender.  Afraid you’ll spontaneously transform into a rabbit if you eat any more leafy greens?  Don’t worry, more “real” vegetables are on the way.  Beets are coming soon…

Baby Goats Update and New Wednesday CSA pick Up Location

Baby Goats Update and New Wednesday CSA pick Up Location

Kidding season is complete with four baby goats on the ground.  Our four moms had one baby each, we have two baby boys (bucklings) and two baby girls (doelings).  The whole affair was pleasantly unremarkable, which was quite a relief for first timers.  And by…

Our First Kidding

Our First Kidding

We have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of baby goats.  We have been reading up on everything that can go wrong with momma and baby.  A baby goat is 90% legs so there are lots of ways for it to get tangled up on its…