So Much Rain

So Much Rain
Hurricane Francine left us with 6.86 inches of rain
Hurricane Francine left us with 6.86 inches of rain

Nearly seven inches of rain have fallen on the farm since Thursday.  That’s an awful lot of water.  The frogs in particular are overjoyed to have water again in the pond.  The cottonmouths that hunt the frogs should be happy, too.

Luckily, our fields are on high ground so flooding is never a problem.  But our soil has a lot of silt and clay and doesn’t drain quickly so water stands on the ground.  We’ve

Monica and Meg picking Juliet tomatoes
Monica and Meg picking Juliet tomatoes

been slipping and sliding, and occasionally falling, all around the farm.

Or crops needed the rain, but with that much of it, some crop damage is expected.   There were a lot of split tomatoes to knock off the plants, and some wilt in the broccoli

that I expect might be fungal.   Randy and Robin had to right some of the young apple trees that blew over.  The ground was so saturated that the wind even blew some of the okra down.  No small feat, as you know if you’ve ever tried to pull out an okra plant!

Still, we are grateful that the weather has passed with only minor damage.  We remember the exceptionally dry fall and winter last year, and are grateful to have the rain.


Small Shares

  • eggplant
  • zephyr squash
  • okra
  • tomatoes
  • lettuce and arugula mix
  • crunchy king radish

Full Shares

  • zephyr squash
  • dario zucchini
  • lettuce mix
  • arugula
  • tomatoes
  • crunchy king radish
  • collards


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