Seven Ways to Eat Kohlrabi

Seven Ways to Eat Kohlrabi
What's a kid to do for a snack? Cooper likes fresh kohlrabi
What’s a kid to do for a snack? Cooper likes fresh kohlrabi

Sometimes we have crop failures, and sometimes we have bumper crops.  I think most seasoned CSA members would agree, dealing with abundance can be just as challenging as accepting a shortage.  With that in mind, you will find more kohlrabi in your box this week.  We know it isn’t a staple vegetable in most households.  But we have it in spades.  If grew fast and well and now we have a superabundance of kohlrabi.  If you are stumped as to what to do with this vegetable, here are some suggestions.

  1.  Eat it Cooper-style, raw and sliced.  Maybe with some salt or some dip, but Cooper prefers his plain and unadulterated.   It’s great in salad or shredded in slaw.  Kohlrabi and apple salad is definitely a thing.
  2. Make it the star of your stir-fry!  Last night for dinner we had beef and kohlrabi stir fry with a orange ginger sauce.  It also featured radishes and onions from the farm.
  3. Fritters.  Here is a super basic kohlrabi fritter recipe but you could go for herby and cheesy fritters (or both!) or whatever floats your boat.
  4. Kohlrabi shines when roasted, here’s a recipe for roasted kohlrabi with parmesan
  5. Kohlrabi au Gratin.  I haven’t made this but I have eaten it and it is amazing.  As a matter or fact, kohlrabi could probably stand in for potatoes in a lot of different recipes
  6. Pickle it!  You can pickle pretty much anything, but kohlrabi’s mild sweet flavor makes a great refrigerator pickle!
  7. Leave it in the fridge for a couple weeks until inspiration strikes.  Kohlrabi is a great storage vegetable.  There’s no rush to use it, it’ll be happy chilling in the fridge for several weeks.

Now you have so many ideas that you’ll need to visit our market booth for some more kohlrabi so you can try them all!  I hope you find your favorite way to eat kohlrabi, and if you do, we want to hear about it.