Rain is a good thing

Rain is a good thing

Too much of a good thing

A picture of just some of the plants we had available for our Native Plant Sale
A picture of just some of the plants we had available for our Native Plant Sale

Rain is a good thing.  Especially after the exceptionally dry fall and winter we just had.  But it does make it hard to do virtually everything we need to do.  Weed control, pest control, harvesting, and trellising to name a few tasks piling up on the to-do list.  And the rain has made it completely impossible to get the tractor into the field to shape more garden beds for tomatoes, squash, okra and other summer crops.  We are being as patient as we know how, waiting for the skies to clear long enough for the soil to dry out.  I imagine that come July we’ll be begging for rain.  For now we will take what the weather gives us and are always grateful because it could always be worse.

Thank you everyone who bought plants in our Native Plant Sale!  If you missed out, I will have more native plants at the Cooper Young Community Farmers Market on Saturday.  Some varieties are sold out, but there is still a good selection.

Little spotted salamander found in around the wash pack building
Little spotted salamander found in around the wash pack building

I enjoy indulging one of my many hobbies – amateur naturalist – by searching for salamanders!  Last night’s rainy weather brought these young spotted salamanders out of the pond.   I’ll be really excited when we find some more tiger salamanders.

I know the variety in the CSA box has been a little repetitive over the past couple weeks, so we are excited to have a few new items for this week!

Small Shares

  • Cabbage
  • Kohlrabi
  • Radishes
  • Beets
  • Onions

Full Shares

  • Cabbage
  • Kohlrabi
  • Radishes
  • Beets
  • Onions
  • Collards
  • Lettuce Mix

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