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greenhouse build
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January 26, 2022
Pictures of 2022
Farmer Jo from our first year 2011
Young buckling hangs with dad
Snow, 2022 Cooper built a snow person
2022 greenhouse seeding has begun
Melea and Skylar planting onion starts
Georgia laying and “guarding” the onion starts
Our old mobile home being hauled off
Greenhouse production is well on it’s way
Josephine prepping tomato starts to sell
Melea prepping tomato starts to sell
TCF Store March 25
Lettuce starts in the greenhouse
Lower field
Entrance end of our new greenhouse
Our completed double bay high tunnel for 2022
First growing beds in the new double high tunnel
First layer of poly on the greenhouse
Busy crew building the greenhouse
Our greenhouse has heat! Here is Mark and crew instaling the metal end wall supports
Here is a Mark using his back hoe to help install hops on the high tunnel
The moms, Guin (L) and Connie (R) helping pack the CSA
The harvest crew Melea (L), Skylar (M) and Josephine (R) harvesting the greens
Robin giving bok choi a rinse
That last storm knocked down a few old trees. Here is Connie, Randy’s mom (L) and Cooper (R) standing by the rootball of one tree
As fresh as it gets. Cooper is eating the bok choy he just plucked from the ground
Lettuce mix
our newest team member, Maria planting tomatoes
Head lettuces fresh out of the field
Skylar (L) and Melea (R) planting tomatoes in the field
Wonderful strawberry pizza
Hello friendly snake
potatoes are growing really tall this year
Pontiac reds are already flowering
great big heads or kiribati lettuce are coming out of the field. Maria is pulling this one out of the rinse tank
Look it’s a baby Caully apple
Strawberry party! Drop biscuits or angel food with your strawberries?
Potato flowers are a nice addition to the field in May
Trying out some different live mulches
Hot and sweaty Josephine working out in the high tunnel
Tunnel tomatoes are coming along
in the high tunnel peppers on the left and squashes on the right
Putting new plastic on the old high tunnel
Trying out teff grass as a living mulch, traditional wheat straw mulch on the right
Trying out single leader tomato trellising
Josephine spreading cover crop seeds while Randy waits to lightly disc to cover the seeds
Potatoes have huge tops, looking forward to harvesting them
Looking good so far
Tomatoes mulched with wheat straw
Beds with buckwheat living mulch.
Some beds with teff grass living mulch
Melea and Skylar harvesting squash. There are alternating beds on summer squash and okra. Once Squash is done we can mow squash beds and have access to the okra
Replacing barrings in the disc harrow
This little froggy hitched a ride
Josephine weed whacking the buckwheat down in-between squash beds
Josephine weed whacking the buckwheat down in-between squash beds
Red Pontiac potatoes fresh out of the field
Fresh bunched and washed carrots
Basil bunches
Georgia helping harvest carrots
Josephine just finished lacing rope to secure the shade cloth on the double bay high tunnel
Robin spraying carrots
Josephine (L) and Melea center washing the cabbage harvested
Maria trimming tops and roots off the red onions
Skyler (L) and Connie (R) bunching carrots
Josephine getting down off of the high tunnel after tying the shade cloth down
Shade cloth is on the high tunnels
Sweet potato slips are planted
It’s dry! See how chunky the soil is coming out of our potato digger?
Multi colored Bumble Bee tomatoes
Pints of blueberries
The potato digger leaves the potatoes, mostly, on top of the soil
Seed inventory time
Single leader pruned tomatoes
More beds for the last planting of tomatoes and peppers
Herbs for the herb garden we are building
Connie and Cooper picking blueberries
Our old boy, Winston. he “retired” himself from goat watch and now wonders the farm
Living mulch, weed eating the teff grass we planted between tomato beds
In the foreground is the first planting of watermelons and cantaloupes and next to that are beds for the second planting of melons
Josephine sorting tomatoes
Roasted eggplant, tomato, basil and zucchini on polenta, yum!
Skylar (L) and Melea (R) sorting and bagging tomatoes for CSA and market
Seventeen beds made for fall veggies
The team packing shares for the Wednesday CSA
Our first planting of squash was done so we mowed them down giving better access to the okra beds
Since it finally rained the sunflower and cowpea covercrop finally took off
Meet Henry, the newest addition to the farm.
Henry is plum tuckered out
The work crew in Jo’s truck (L to R) Emery, Robin, Skylar and Melea
Work crew standing in the sunflowers (L to R) Josephine, robin, Melea, Skylar and Emery
Our newest team member, Emery
Melea burning holes in landscape fabric
Peppers in vegetative growth. growing tall with few fruit
First round of cantaloupes harvested
Using foil wrapped cardboard to try to keep the crows away
A salamander sighting
A new toy, erm tool.
Mowing down the buckwheat cover crop
Mowing down the sunflower and cowpea cover crop
Cathy Bell watermelons, sweet and deep red
This big beautiful snake was hanging out in one of our tarps.
Josephine’s eggplant monocle
An interesting find, dog vomit slim mold
Feeding the soil to feed future crops, disking in the summer cover crop.
New front tires for our XR4150
Tippah tire service putting new skins on the XR4150
A nice sized Copperhead in the pasture
Josephine using our new trimmer/mower. It works great between the crops
Fall crop transplanting has begun
These goats are coming home after being on the lamb for three days
Bunched sweet potato greens bunched and headed to your table
Pretty purple sweet potato flower
It’s only September and here is fifty one beds ready for spring
Josephine spreading fertilizer as Randy preps beds
A foggy start to the morning
Working into the sunset
Anna is back! here she is pulling down tomatoes in the high tunnel
Found this beautiful snake in the field
Here is our new orchard area, cover crop seeded and Chateau Guinevere in the background
Josephine spreading lime in the new orchard area
Robin and our pup Henry pulling drip tape
Skylar picking kale greens
A young Kiko buckling
Love the dogs hanging out with us during bean harvesting
First sweet potatoes of 2022
Mowing the sweet potato greens
2022 sweet potato harvest has begun, Anna (L) and Skylar (R) harvesting sweet potatoes
LeMoyne lovin on one of the does-pic by Mary
Strawberry planting season-pic by Mary
Sunrise over the field-pic by Mary
Young farm friends-pic by Mary
Butterflies on pink clover blossoms-pic by Mary
Josephine and the first fall broccoli 2022
Randy is mowing down the okra
A Cooper in the woods sighting
The fall garden is so full of colors
Henry enjoying a Napa cabbage
Aromatic Astor
There is more then one way to move a bunch of straw bales
Henry likes the green beans, too
Looking into the cauliflower is like a glimpse into the future
Josephine with a great head of cauliflower
Robin rolling the full shares into the walk-in. Having the roll in walk ins and concrete floors is just such a game changer from how we started.
Preparing for a freeze. Anna is covering the head lettuce with frost cloth
Happy dogs! Our two latest walk on’s. Henry on the left has been with us about four months. Elvis, on the right, recently showed up and is looking for a new home
Cooper running through the winter cover crop.
Fall farm meal, roasted cauliflower and chickpeas with a carrot and diakon salad
Cold fall morning we shut the doors and continue
When it’s cold out it’s great to shut the doors and keep working
View of the fall crops November 7
Fall veggies diakon, rutabagas, beets at CYCFM
Fall veggies cabbages, broccoli, chard and more at CYCFM
Fall carrots at CYCFM
Fall veggies cauliflower, cabbage, kale and more at CYCFM
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