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Carrots! Salamanders!

Carrots! Salamanders!

A lot of firsts in the share this week!  First carrots, first squash and zucchini, and the first tomatoes for the full shares.  There’s a lot more of each of those on the way in the coming weeks.   We recommend taking the greens off of…

Rainy May

Rainy May

This is the last week of the spring share!  Thank you for letting us be your farmers this spring, we hope you have enjoyed the vegetables.  It was a particularly challenging season, mostly because the weather has been so wet.  This May we got ten…

Seven Ways to Eat Kohlrabi

Seven Ways to Eat Kohlrabi

Sometimes we have crop failures, and sometimes we have bumper crops.  I think most seasoned CSA members would agree, dealing with abundance can be just as challenging as accepting a shortage.  With that in mind, you will find more kohlrabi in your box this week. …

Rain is a good thing

Rain is a good thing

Too much of a good thing Rain is a good thing.  Especially after the exceptionally dry fall and winter we just had.  But it does make it hard to do virtually everything we need to do.  Weed control, pest control, harvesting, and trellising to name…

Hilling taters and planting maters

Hilling taters and planting maters

Hilling taters and planting maters The past week has been full of activity!  There is lots of farm news from these busy busy farmers. Randy hilled the potatoes.  If you are unfamiliar with the specifics of potato growing, “hilling” means piling up dirt around the…

Chilly Starts

Chilly Starts

The week has started off with some chilly nights but blue sky breezy days.  Perfect for helping dry out the soil so we can shape beds and start getting our warm season crops in the ground.   The tomatoes and eggplant in the greenhouse are past…

Webstore open for native plant sale

Webstore open for native plant sale

Our online store is now open to order your South Eastern US native plants!  Plant orders will be available for pick-up at the Cooper Young Community Farmers Market on May 11th, or here on the farm by appointment.   You can also come shop in person…

Welcome to the 2024 Community Supported Agriculture, (CSA) season

Welcome to the 2024 Community Supported Agriculture, (CSA) season

Welcome to the 2024 Community Supported Agriculture, (CSA) season.  We’ve already been hard at work growing your vegetables for the past few months.  We, too, are looking forward to seeing the fruits of our labor!  This is just the beginning.   But this has also…