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Last Summer CSA

Last Summer CSA

It is the final week of our summer CSA.  Thank you so much for letting us be your farmers this season.  It is only possible for us to do what we do because people like you think local, sustainably grown food and the farms it…

Every Year is Different

Every Year is Different

I might sound like a broken record, but it has been another busy week on the farm.  It seems August has brought some real summer, and are sweating through it out in the field.  Randy and Robin finished shaping all the beds we will need…

Okra Teased Us.

Okra Teased Us.

The yellow squash, tomatoes and peppers are still pouring out of the field.  The okra teased us with a few flowers but I think now that we are back into the hot weather it should really take off.  The plants look very healthy so once…

Bounty of the Summer Farm

Bounty of the Summer Farm

Right now the farm is giving us bountiful harvests of squash, zucchini, peppers and tomatoes.  So that is what is in the shares this week.  The field is looking beautiful, but we are still waiting on the okra and melons to start producing.  Everything is…

Suspicious Hen

Suspicious Hen

On Friday I found a hen behaving suspiciously.  She was sitting really low to the ground and didn’t run off when I pulled up.  Sure enough she was hiding a clutch of freshly hatched chicks.  While most of our chickens live in the chicken coop…

Uninvited guests

Uninvited guests

Uninvited guests I did not intend it to be dramatic foreshadowing when I ended the last newsletter by saying cover crops can sometimes cause problems.  But on Saturday, driving onto the farm after my day at market, I noticed something was wrong with the teff…

Summer Cover Crops

Every year we buy seeds and spend time prepping and planting things we never intend to harvest. What’s going on here? Cover cropping! A cover crop is anything you plant to achieve some other function, and that you do not harvest as a cash crop.…

Post ID: 14130

Josephine’s favorite carrot recipe First, I just want to remind you that your carrots will stay much crisper if you remove the tops before storage.  Every year I make this spiced carrot and chickpea salad!  It’s one of my favorite things.  And it uses a…