Last Summer CSA

Last Summer CSA

It is the final week of our summer CSA.  Thank you so much for letting us be your farmers this season.  It is only possible for us to do what we do because people like you think local, sustainably grown food and the farms it is grown on are important.  The fall CSA starts at the beginning of September after a two week hiatus.

We are so happy that the watermelons were ready in time for the CSA this week!  We grow a mini variety called Cathay Belle that is easy to fit into the crop share boxes.  Meg is the watermelon queen this year, she single-handedly picked over 200 melons this morning.  There is always some scratch-and-dent, so everyone working on the farm is enjoying a watermelon feast today.  The chickens are benefiting, too, getting to enjoy all the under ripe and otherwise unfit melons.

Late last week we started transplanting out cauliflower, broccoli, kale, collards and Napa cabbage.  It always feels too early to be starting the fall garden now – although maybe not this year with the fall-like weather we have been having is past week.  But fall, like spring, is a short window for cool season crops and it’s important to get the timing right.  Let’s hope for abundant harvests to carry us through the next season and beyond.

Small shares

  • watermelon
  • zephyr squash
  • butternut squash
  • slicing tomato
  • cherry tomato

full shares

  • watermelon
  • zephyr squash
  • zucchini
  • okra
  • sweet peppers
  • slicing tomato
  • juliet plum tomato