It is a bulbous stem

It is a bulbous stem

This week the shares include kohlrabi.  Kohlrabi is a cousin of cabbage.  Nope, that’s not a root!  It is a bulbous stem.  Peel well and enjoy raw, steamed, stir fried, or roasted.  It is a versatile, delicious and highly underrated vegetable (in my opinion, anyway).

The cabbage is starting to “head up” and it wont be too long before it is ready to harvest.  That is if I can keep Cooper from taking big bites out of all the heads.  the other day he managed to munch down on three before I realized that he was doing.  As thrilled as I am that he is eager to nosh on some fresh cabbage, I’d really rather he peel off an outer leaf when he wants a snack.

We’ve had cool weather and the sort of glorious fall days that make us appreciate how much time we get to spend outdoors.  We’ve also gotten some more rain, which has kept us from digging more sweet potatoes or making progress in field preparation.  I did pick up our strawberry plants Monday afternoon and we will be planting them this week.  They’ll start growing now, wait over the winter, and hopefully burst forth with sweet red fruit in the spring.

Small Shares
Sweet potatoes
Sweet ;peppers
Paste tomatoes
Salad mix

Full Shares
Sweet potatoes
Sweet ;peppers
Paste tomatoes
Salad mix