It feels so good to have field planting underway

It feels so good to have field planting underway

It feels so good to have field planting underway.  That’s right, we got beds made this week.  Thanks to employees that were willing to come in on their day off, the help of both Randy’s mom and my mom, and a farm pick-up CSA member with very good timing, Randy and the team got the first 12 beds shaped on Saturday while I was at the farmers market.

When the rain didn’t materialize we thought, “lets squeeze in a few more before the rain on Monday afternoon.”  So Randy spent his Sunday on the tractor, and Monday by noon we had another 16 beds ready to go.  Good thing, too, because later that afternoon the rain came.  There was even some small hail.

We hit the ground running.  Already we have okra, squash, zucchini, eggplant, and peppers planted into the new beds.  As I write this the first round of tomatoes are going in.  Once the basil is planted we will be caught up.

Maybe this Sunday Randy and I will both be able to take the day off.  We do take time off seriously.  But especially in the spring, when we must work around the weather, sometimes it is worth getting the work done when we have the opportunity.  After all, you can only work through so many days off before you burn out.  And we like to save farmer burnout until August at least.

Small Shares

  • Strawberries
  • Spring Onions
  • Kiribati Green Oakleaf Lettuce
  • Hakurei Turnips
  • Mini Napa Cabbage

Full Shares

  • Strawberries
  • Spring Onions
  • Kiribati Green Oakleaf Lettuce
  • Hakurei Turnips
  • Red Russian Kale
  • Rainbow Chard