The big news is that the new wash/pack facility is going up! The concrete floor has been poured and framing is underway. If the weather cooperates, it could be done as early as mid-January. We have nearly reached our financial goals and we still have Building Our Future multi-year CSA shares available for anyone who is willing and able to pitch in.
In a few short weeks it will be time to start seeds in the greenhouse for the beginning of next year’s CSA. That doesn’t give me much time to finish the crop plan and seed order! December is a month full of looking forward and behind. We do all our planning for the year in the winter when we are calm and level headed. Once the growing season is underway there is no time to think about what needs to be planted next, and how much, and do we have enough seeds and how far apart do we space the plants and so on. Dreary winter days like today are the perfect time to work on the planting schedules for the greenhouse and the field. Once the growing season gets rolling like a freight train I’ll have enough to think about.
Even though the days are at their shortest and not much is actually growing, we are still harvesting vegetables and going to the
Farmers Market. In the wet and the cold, harvesting is more labor intensive. The high tunnels are full of young plants, and hopefully we will be able to keep the vegetables coming all winter long.
In addition to all the planning and office work, and the ongoing harvesting and cover and uncovering plants as the temperatures rise and fall, we have a long list of “winter projects”. Things like building a new mobile chicken coop, spreading lime on the field, fixing and maintaining tools and equipment are all on the list. Even though it is our slow season, there is plenty to do to keep things humming along.
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