Final Spring 2023 Share

Final Spring 2023 Share

This is the last week of the Spring 2023 Share!  Thank you so much to all our spring share members.  We love growing your vegetables and are proud to be your family’s farmers.

On Saturday after the farmers’ market I drove to Houston, Mississippi to pick up our sweet potato slips.  I got a tip from another farmer that there was an organic sweet potato grower near Tupelo.  That’s how we met Caleb at Englert Farms.  He was gracious enough to sell us some slips, or sweet potato plant cuttings, even though selling his slips not a regular part of his business.  Monday Guin and I tucked all the sweet potato slips in the ground while the rest of the team put down straw mulch to keep the pathways free of weeds.

In addition to new crops going into the field, new crops are coming out, too!  In the shares this week you will find summer squash, cucumber, basil and fennel.  The first of many squash and cucumbers yet to come!  There is still lettuce, but it wont be around much longer.  Potatoes, carrots, celery and onions are on the horizon, too.

Meet our Team: Robin

Robin, working in the wash/pack building
Robin, working in the wash/pack building

This is Robin’s third season working on the farm.  One of Robin’s specialties is processing all the produce that comes into the washing and packing shed on harvest days.   If it has been bubbled, rinsed, sprayed or dunked, Robin was probably the one who did it.  Robin can also often be found moving goat fences to keep our herd on fresh pasture, helping Randy shape beds, or pounding some of the hundreds of t-posts and rebar stakes we use to trellis tomatoes and other crops.   I can’t imagine a more reliable, dependable employee.  We are grateful to have Robin as a member of our farming team.





Full Shares

  • Salad Mix
  • Yellow Squash
  • Zucchini
  • Cucumber
  • Green Cabbage (Saturday will get Napa)
  • Fennel
  • Basil

Small Shares

  • Salad Mix
  • Yellow Squash
  • Cucumber
  • Kohlrabi (Saturday will get Napa Cabbage)
  • Fennel
  • Basil