Final CSA Week of 2021

Final CSA Week of 2021

WE DID IT!  This is the final week of our 2021 CSA.  This has been our 10th year as CSA farmers.  You’d think after 10 years we would have it all figured out but there are always new

Lettuces waiting under cover to be harvested
Lettuces waiting under cover to be harvested

challenges and new opportunities to learn and grow.  This fall has been an uphill struggle.  Five or six weeks ago I lay down on the ground in the field and cried because I didn’t think we were going to have enough produce to finish out the CSA.   But we made it.  The market booth hasn’t been as abundant as usual this time of year, but the CSA is always our first priority.  THANK YOU for letting us be your farmers this year.  Sometimes it is hard, sometimes it is easier, but it is always profoundly rewarding.

And we are going to do it all again next year!  If you want to sign up for our 2022 CSA, watch your inbox!  As always, returning members will have a two week exclusive sign-up window before we open the 2022 CSA to new members.

Believe it or not (and I can’t quite believe it) there is still plenty growing out in the field.  Even though the CSA is ending you can still find us on Saturdays at the Cooper Young Community Farmers Market.  Just this week I started harvesting the latest and biggest planting of carrots.  We seeded them in September, which is later than I like, because we had very poor germination in the August planted carrots.   We will have plenty of carrots throughout the rest of November and December.  We still have sweet potatoes, daikon and watermelon radishes.  The first of the rutabagas are finally ready.  There is another round of lettuce that didn’t mature in time for the CSA, so we will be able to keep you in salads through the new year.  There will be broccoli as long as the weather cooperates.



Small Shares

  • Salanova lettuce mix
  • Bok Choy
  • Hakurei Turnips (Saturday: beets)
  • Crunchy King Radishes
  • Carrots
  • Sweet Potatoes

Full Shares

  • Head Lettuce (Saturday: Salanova lettuce mix)
  • Bok Choy
  • Hakurei Turnips (Saturday: beets)
  • Crunchy King Radishes
  • Carrots
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Savoy Cabbage