Every Year is Different

Every Year is Different
Finally the okra is starting to produce. Here Meg is picking okra into fruit harvesting basket hanging on her shoulders.
Finally the okra is starting to produce. Here Meg is picking okra into fruit harvesting basket hanging on her shoulders.

I might sound like a broken record, but it has been another busy week on the farm.  It seems August has brought some real summer, and are sweating through it out in the field.  Randy and Robin finished shaping all the beds we will need to get us through the end of the year.  Today, Meg direct seeded the first fall carrots, beets and lettuce into the field.  I am often asked when is the right time to plant carrots.  All of August and early September is a great time.  Our August seeded carrots are ready from October to January.

It has been a wild ride this year, with the timing of when crops are coming in being really bonkers.  Usually all July we are awash in tomatoes and then they dwindle in August.  But this year it seems like tomatoes are still ramping up and we haven’t seen the peak yet.  Yes, we got some crops in late, but they are maturing even later than they should be.   We have started picking okra, just a few pounds so far.  I was willing the watermelon to be ready but it looks like it’ll be another week.  A melon picked before its time is a terrible disappointment.  All this is really to say that the summer shares have not been as diverse as I would like, and I really hope you have been enjoying the vegetables even though there has been a lot of the same items lately.

Butternut Squash

Full shares are receiving butternut squash. These are fresh and have not cured. You can enjoy them now or leave them out on the counter until the stem is completely dry. Then it should be ready for storage in the pantry.


Small Shares

  • Squash
  • Zuccinni
  • Carrots
  • Slicing tomatoes
  • Juliet plum tomatoes
  • Peppers

Full Shares

  • Squash
  • Zuccinni
  • Carrots
  • Slicing tomatoes
  • San Marzano paste tomatoes
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Peppers
  • Butternut squash