Category: Uncategorized

The annual Mowing of the Okra

The annual Mowing of the Okra

On Friday Randy mowed down the okra.  The annual Mowing of the Okra is always a cause for celebration.  As much as we love eating it, by October we are very, very tired of picking it.  But we don’t mow it just for the fun…

Last Sprint to the Finish

Last Sprint to the Finish

You Say Potato, I Say YUM On Friday we dug the first, of ten beds of sweet potatoes.  I am very pleased with how they are looking this year.  They have shaped up nicely, not too many long snaky noodle potatoes.   This bed was free…

It’s only Tuesday

It’s only Tuesday

It’s only Tuesday and already the week has been full of excitement.  Yesterday evening Randy was mowing on Old Blue, the older of our two LS tractors.  The newer tractor, the 357, is awaiting repairs for a bad crankshaft sensor.  Well, one of the power…

First Week of the Fall CSA

First Week of the Fall CSA

Welcome to the first week of the Fall CSA!  Yes, we know its not really fall for a couple of weeks yet.  But already the days are getting dramatically shorter.  I still get up and hurry out the door at 5:30 AM only to find…

Final Summer Share of the year

Final Summer Share of the year

I first learned about eating sweet potato greens many years ago when I worked for GrowMemphis.   One of the community gardens I worked with grew sweet potatoes.  Several of the gardeners were originally from West Africa.  The potatoes themselves were less important, what the community…

It’s been one soggy August.

It’s been one soggy August.

It rained today.  And it rained yesterday.  And it rained the day before yesterday.  It’s been one soggy August.   Cloudy, rainy and damp weather is good for transplanting seedlings.  Today Skylar and I finished tucking in the first succession of cabbage and are nearly halfway…

The Late Summer Squeeze

The Late Summer Squeeze

The Late Summer Squeeze One of the most difficult aspects of CSA farming is keeping a consistent level of production throughout the CSA season.  Late August and early September is always the leanest portion of our growing season.  We plan hard for this time of…

It’s Melon Time

It’s Melon Time

It’s melon time! I started picking cantaloupes today.  The cantaloupe we grow is Athena.  It’s a reliable producer with a strong rind and great flavor.  I haven’t found a smaller melon that I like as much.  And some of the Athena are real whoppers! But…