Author: Josephine Alexander

Back on-line and on track!

Hello there!  We have had quite a hiatus from connectivity, but now we are back.  Randy got everything hooked up last night – and we may not have heat, but we have the internet (does that say something about our priorities?). A lot has happened…

Winter 2011-2012

Winter 2011-2012

Pictures from winter 2011-2012

Building the Greenhouse

Building the Greenhouse

What an exciting weekend, we got the greenhouse nearly built!  And it’s a good thing, too, because we’ll be needing it to start seedlings very soon.  Saturday morning we were at the farm before 9 am to be there for our delivery of lumber and…

Winter Solstice Bonfire

The days are still growing short, but soon the Winter Solstice will be here!  We will be celebrating the rebirth of the sun in Tubby Creek Farm fashion with a bonfire.  I always look forward to the turning of the year when the days begin…

Proof that we really are growing vegetables

Proof that we really are growing vegetables

I know, you read the blog and you look at the pictures and you think, where are the vegetables?  Seems like all we are doing is tinkering with the tractor and driving it around in circles (I understand, sometimes it feels that way to me,…

Our Halloween weekend at Tubby Creek

Our Halloween weekend at Tubby Creek

So what have we been up to lately?  In addition to keeping you up to date on all our goings on, this blog also serves as a farm journal for myself and Randy, so we have a record of what we did and when. This…

Sundays are for tactor work

Sundays are for tactor work

Another fall weekend at the farm, with what I expect to be the last of the hot weather.  Hot by October standards, anyway, but still beautiful for working. This week, we started mowing and disking in our Sourghum-Sudan Grass cover crop.  Although we had seeded…

Campfires, hillers, and snakes: another weekend at the farm

Campfires, hillers, and snakes: another weekend at the farm

This weekend we went down to the farm on Saturday afternoon after the Cooper-Young Farmers Market with the new implements for the front of the tractor.  Randy had spent the morning getting them worked over and ready to go. When we arrived, Randy started messing…