Author: Josephine Alexander

On the Importance of keeping good Records

On the Importance of keeping good Records

I was talking with my farmer friends at Cooper-Young on Saturday and started a sentence with, “I am kind of a control freak…” and the immediate response from the peanut gallery was a sarcastic, “really?” “no, you?”.  In fact (as you and everyone else probably…

It’s Weedy Out There

It’s Weedy Out There

  Tuesday I was hand weeding when Randy stopped at the end of the row I was working on.  “What’s that?”  he asked.  “What’s what?” I answered irritably, already knowing the answer to my question.  He indicated the row I was weeding.  “Sweet potatoes,” I…

Heirloom tomatoes, demystified

  Heirloom tomatoes are the prima donnas of the farm.  They are fussy.  They are high maintenance.  But we put up with them, because they are so vastly superior in taste.  We’ve had a lot of folks turning up at the farmers market who know…

Where is the Rain?

Where is the Rain?

This week we’ve been devoting a lot of energy to keeping the plants, the chickens and the farmers hydrated.  All those pop-up thunderstorms in the forecast must be popping up somewhere else! Things that don’t mind the hot weather include okra, eggplant, and the dragonflies. …

Our Lawn Does NOT Want to be Mowed

Our Lawn Does NOT Want to be Mowed

Things that are not working this week: riding lawn mower, push lawn mower, weed-eater.  Things that are working this week: tractor, Randy’s wheelchair, pick-up truck.  It feels like everything is broken, but as the above inventory indicates – we are about 50% operational.  The cool…

Tomatoes, they are a coming!

Tomatoes, they are a coming!

Surely you have noticed the red orbs adorning the tables of some of the others farmers at the farmers market when you come to pick up your share.  Our tomatoes are not late – theirs are just early.  Some of the tomatoes at the market…

Summer 2012

Summer 2012

  It is only June but “summer” has started on the farm.  Our summer CSA started the first week in June, the temperature is often in the 90’s and the cukes and squashes have arrived.  

More, Firsts at Tubby Creek Farm

More, Firsts at Tubby Creek Farm

The calendar may say it is still spring, but it sure feels like summer at Tubby Creek Farm.  Summer crops are replacing spring ones, with summer squash starting this week and cucumbers likely next week.  The lettuce is done until fall, as are the snow…