Author: Josephine Alexander

Spring Update and Plant Sale!

Spring Update and Plant Sale!

It feels good to be busy.  While I enjoyed the slower pace of winter work, the flurry of activity of the last couple weeks has been a welcome change.  Work clears my mind of other worries and gives me purpose.  With the help of our…

Winter Update And CSA Sign Up is Open!

Winter Update And CSA Sign Up is Open!

Our 2025 CSA is now open to new members.  We would love to be your farmers this year. Our seeds have all been ordered, and greenhouse work has begun.  We are busy preparing the high tunnel for onions.  Last year was the first time we…

Enjoying Our Winter Break as We Plan 2025

Enjoying Our Winter Break as We Plan 2025

Happy New Year! It is winter on the farm and as it is a slower time of year, there are opportunities for rest and reflection.   We need to prepare for the coming year by planning and organizing and problem solving, but also by giving ourselves…

It is the last official week of our fall CSA

It is the last official week of our fall CSA

It is the last official week of our fall CSA!  (Next week is an extra bonus week if you signed up for it)  Thank you so much to all our members and farmers market customers and friends and everyone who helps make it possible for…

Where are the sweet potatoes?

Where are the sweet potatoes?

Where are the sweet potatoes? Some of you have been asking!  Although we did not grow sweet potatoes this year, we do have plans to put locally grown Certified Organic sweet potatoes in the shares.  As you may recall, this spring was extraordinarily rainy.  So…

Close Friends

Close Friends

This past week we had guests on the farm.  Three of my friends from college plus two spouses and three children, all close to Cooper’s age, came for a visit during their fall break.   They all live in Minnesota and it has been many years…

Glorious Fall Weather

Glorious Fall Weather

It is glorious to be working outdoors at this time of the year.  Especially after the heat of summer.  Time to break out the sweatshirts and jackets.  Hallelujah!  We are excited to have a box jam-packed full of produce this week.  We ate some cabbage…

End of Summer

End of Summer

I may have been a little bit stressed when I wrote last week’s newsletter about all the work we had to catch up on.  But with the help of our amazing crew we are well on our way in getting caught up.  We took down…