August, Bring it on!

August, Bring it on!
View from the tractor, Fall planting has started in beds we made mid July
View from the tractor, Fall planting has started in beds we made mid July

All day Monday the anxiety sat in the pit of my stomach.  It is August.  August is a big month.  It is when we plant the majority of the fall garden, the crops that will carry us through from late September to January.  Yet summer is still going full tilt.  We’ve been going flat out for months now and we are tired.   It would be a nice time for a vacation, or at least a long weekend.  But instead we must dig deep and find the energy, the time, the discipline and the composure to take on a whole new set of tasks with a clear head and good judgement.

So all that got underway Monday.  We uncovered some of the prepared beds and seeded the first round of carrots.  Tuesday we added beets and lettuce mix.  We covered the beds with row cover to hold in the moisture and keep the soil surface from crusting over.  No disasters.  Nothing to worry about.

The nerves caught me by surprise.  After all, I’ve made it through nine farm Augusts already.  Some with more grace than others.  And this year we are better prepared than ever.  I have a detailed planting plan in hand.  We have got a great team working for us.  And we’ve been treated to the coolest summer I’ve ever experienced in Mississippi, so we are perhaps heading into August a little fresher than we might be otherwise.

So maybe that anxious feeling in my stomach isn’t nervous dread.  Maybe it is nervous excitement.  Maybe I am anxious to get August under way because I know we are going to ace it this year.  Yeah, let’s say that’s it.  Bring it on.

Small Shares

  • Delicata Squash
  • Juliet Tomatoes
  • Slicing Tomatoes
  • Eggplant
  • Sweet Pepper
  • Okra!

Full Shares

  • Delicata Squash
  • Sun Gold Tomatoes
  • Slicing Tomatoes
  • Eggplant
  • Sweet Pepper
  • Yellow Squash
  • Basil