We are often asked by folks wondering about joining our CSA, “how much is in your CSA?”
That is difficult to explain our typical response is the small share (costs $18 a week) is filled with veggies that would cost you about $18-$20 if you bought it at our booth at the farmers market. We understand that is not real helpful if you don’t typically buy produce from us at the market. We teamed up with CSA Member Stacey G to take pictures of her Small Share twice a month.
Our Full share runs $25 a week and has $25-$27 with of produce. It typically has more of the same produce or additional items as the Small Share.
These pictures are of her Small Share CSA in 2020. These pictures might give you a better understanding of what might be in a CSA about the time of year as indicated.
If you want more CSA info including delivery pick up information visit our Click here to read about our CSA
Jump straight to the store Now that you have read all the info buy your CSA here.
April 18th 2020

May 2020

June 2020

July 2020

August 2020

September 2020

October 2020

November 2020

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