My years are measured in vegetables

My years are measured in vegetables

So much has been happening on the farm!  Today, all the parts for our new greenhouse and two high tunnels arrived on an 18-wheeler.  Robin and I helped Randy get it all unloaded in just over one sweltering, mid-day hour.   We are super excited to be putting up a much bigger and more professional greenhouse later this summer.  And the tunnels will double our protected growing

Don and Adam about to harvest the wheat we grew
Don and Adam about to harvest the wheat we grew


On Sunday Don from LuLu’s and Adam from Rolling Along Farms came out to harvest the wheat we planted for Don back in November.  It has been over eight months in the making. Don and Adam did the hard work of scything, bundling and stacking the crop, which is now standing in the field awaiting threshing.  I am excited to see how much it yields and what the wheat is like for baking.

My years are measured in vegetables.  July is tomato month.  Now that we have starting picking the first tomatoes, we will be harvesting every other day.  We have four successions of tomatoes planted in the field, and we hope to be able to keep you in tomatoes through October.  Let’s hope it’s a banner tomato year.

Potato harvest is over halfway done.   With all the different varieties we are digging, you might be wondering why you keep getting fingerlings in your share.  We have found that the fingerlings are a phenomenal potato when fresh, but they don’t keep terribly well.  The flavor is best when recently dug, so we are front loading the shares with fingerlings now, and other kind of potatoes (purple majesty, harlequin gold and red pontiac) will come once our supply of fingerlings is exhausted.

And on top of all this hustle and bustle, it is time to start seeding fall brassicas in the greenhouse.  Broccoli and cabbage will get seeded this week, Brussel’s sprouts and cauliflower next week.  Time for fennel, too, and a last round of late season squash and zucchini.

Small Shares

Malea modeling her new hat, bow and all
Malea modeling her new hat, bow and all
  • Cabbage
  • fingerling potatoes
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Squash/zucchini
  • Cucumber
  • Bell pepper

Full shares

  • Fingerlings
  • Squash/zucchini
  • Bell peppers
  • cucumbers
  • Eggplant
  • Slicer tomato
  • Juliet tomatoes