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Work crew bagging greens for our CSA
Jo on Ol Blue pulling mobile egg machine
Egg mobile on the roll, our new mobile chicken coop
Connie, Randy’s mom, and Cooper sitting on a bench doing an activity book while we shop for a van
Josephine, Cooper & Connie on Cooper’s birthday
Foreground is the background is the spring veggies many under agribon
Work crew weighing out greens
Plant starts for sale, soon
Winter wheat late March
Randy feeding a bottle baby
Livestock guard dogs, Maggie, Winston and their goats
Cooper “helping” in the greenhouse
Bottle baby goats at feeding time
Goats munching hay and staying warm
Cooper rolling his first snowperson ball
Busy greenhouse in late February
Frame of egg mobile
First ten beds formed and wrapped and Georgie wanting to go home
Potatoes are hilled. Grow potatoes grow
Late frost in the forecast, strawberries are covered
Mary working our booth full of plant starts at the market`
Josephine taking a farmer selfie after pounding 100 T-posts
So far our strawberry experiment has been successful
The potatoes are about ready for another hilling
Our small patch of winter wheat
Damn crows, plucked these transplants right out of the ground
Cooper enjoying a strawberry as fresh as it gets
Anna (L) Melea (R) loading the trailer on harvest day
Potatoes have unique and interesting flowers
The cabbage is coming, the cabbage is coming!
Mothers Day, 2021 Josephine and Connie (R), Randy’s mom picking strawberries for dessert
Cooper petting a chicken
Randy selling strawberries at our pop up farm stand
Anna harvesting senposai
LeMoyne, our main buck came to the fence to say hi.
It is so nice to have concrete floor in wash pack, carts filled with produce instead of carrying three boxes at a time into the walk in
The work crew packing shares
Spent our Sunday making and wrapping beds
That will be five more beds of tomatoes and ten beds of sweet potatoes
Head of cabbage enjoying a sunny day
The undercutter bar makes harvesting carrots much easier
Kohlrabi gratin in the pan
Last Friday was so busy even Cooper helped was beets
Sunrise over wheat at Tubby Creek Farm
Nice little box turtle walking through the pasture
Cucumbers are coming!
Here is Cooper, doing a puzzle with Grandpa Sterling
Anna, bunching carrots on a busy harvest day
Harvesting carrots
Malea bagging veggies for the CSA
White & Purple potatoes in the walkin
Harlequin potato, we are trying a small patch of these interesting potatoes
Loving the potato digger we bought last year!
Don and Adam about to harvest the wheat we grew
Pontiac red potatoes fresh from the field
Malea modeling her new hat, bow and all
First bell pepper harvest of 2021
Sunflower cover crop
Lacy wing, a good bug in the tomatoes
Farm worker Skylar
The eggs have hatched in the tomatoes
Melea (L) and Skylar (R) showing the paste tomatoes they just harvested
Guin, or Grammy G according to Cooper, weeding the sweet potatoes.
beautiful heirloom tomato, with a see through portal in the center
New shade cloth on the high tunnel
Josephine in the tomato storage room. Get your maters now
Skylar & Melea taking a break after pulling tarps
After some repairs Ol Blue is up and ready to work
What does this farmer do with the not so perfect tomatoes? Blanch, peel and freeze
Small but formidable, the fall army worm
View from the tractor, freshly chisel plowed. We will make beds here for Fall stuffs
Cooper playing on the pad we made for the greenhouse
Summer crew, L to R, Anna, Josephine, Skylar, Melea, Ashley & Robin
View from the tractor, Fall planting has started in beds we made mid July
Cooper & Josephine, Cooper’s first day of school-mask off
Cooper & Josephine, Cooper’s first day of school-mask on
Peppers still rolling in, Islanders and yellow Marconi’s
Mary, working our booth at the Cooper Young Community Farmers Market
Marconi peppers on the plant. We do a Florida weave style trellis to keep them from falling over
Josephine in the high tunnel showing the freshly picked peppers
Lamoyne and the boys in the early morning
Tomatoes on display at the farmers market
Direct seeded crops are covered in agribon to protect from crows and to keep the soil moist
Melea holding up long beans
The steady march of fall planting, here are brassicas and more
Lucky day! Goats escaped only to let themselves into the next paddock
More planting in the high tunnel
First fall greens of 2021, Asian greens mix
First arugula fall 2021
Josephine taking a selfie with Randy on the tractor shaping beds for spring
Cooper squeezing the sweet middle out of muscadines for jam making
Napa cabbages, kale and other greens out in field.
View from the tractor, just unloaded 6, one cubic yard totes of Dirtcraft soil mix
Our new tractor, a LS Tractor MT357
The muscadines are coming on strong
Robin (L) and Randy (R) putting together boxes for the CSA
Transplanting more lettuces for fall
The broccoli is starting to head up, fingers crossed
Guin busy picking muscadines, she really gets into her work
Malea torching holes into the landscape fabric for planting the strawberries
The Weezner’s at the funders dinner
The Onciu’s at our funders dinner
Holmes-Haught at our funders dinner
The Carrico’s at our funders dinner
The Barret’s at our funders dinner
The McGee’s at our funders dinner
Our white & crimson clover cover crop has sprouted nicely
Foreground L to R, Robin, Malea and Skylar in the back Spencer, Adam & Renee
Our wash-pack funders dinner
Klink-Heinrich at our funders dinner
Red radishes and white Hakurei turnips
Sweet potato harvest has begun
Mowing the sweet potato vines down
Fall, beautiful sunrise
Digging up sweet potatoes
Late evening at Tubby Creek Farm
Skylar unloading just harvested turnips
Yes, we have had our first frost
Dog shaming farm style, “I’m bad I harvest my own cabbage”
Guin, Josephine’s mom, bagging salad mix
Several children building a wood pile for the bonfire at our Fall party
Greenhouse & hightunnel under construction
Josephine (L) and Cooper (R) roasting a marshmallow
Hoops on the high tunnel
Your farmer Josephine with the first harvest of Korean half long type diakons
Last harvest of the summer stuff here are peppers and eggplants
our little Halloween zombie, Cooper
Plenty more carrots for the winter CYCFM market
Hakurei turnips with greens, yum!
Packing the last 2021 Wednesday CSA
Lettuces waiting under cover to be harvested
Connie, Randy’s mom, packing arugula for market
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