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Impossible to be any fresher, Copper eating Brussel sprouts in the field
Georgia sitting on the straw thinking it is to cold to mulch the blackberries
Wash and pack building is coming along
New starts, already have transplants started in the greenhouse
Cooper enjoying some baby Hakurei turnips
tomato seeds are sprouting
Assorted greens growing in the greenhous
Assorted greens growing in the greenhous
Assorted greens growing in the greenhous
Anna & Patrick working in the greenhouse
Greens in the high tunnel are looking great
Doesn’t look like much now but that is eight and a half beds of potatoes planted.
Assorted beds of spring veggies
Four beds of onions in the foreground and 30 plus beds of spring veggies started or about to be started in the backround
Wash Pack building other side
Wash Pack building
Tomato starts 1
Tomato starts 2
Farm Fresh Eggs
Chard by the bunch
Bok choi ready for harvesting
Mowing lush winter cover crop
Onions looking good so far
Saute mix includes several types of mustards and more
Sample bunch of rainbow colored carrots
Hickory tree down and goats on both sides of the fence
Farmer Josephine carrying three baby goats
New paper bags in the walk in
Baby Carrots bunched
Bok Choy
Green Wave mustard bunched
Baby carrot
Beets are growing
Cooper broad forking the bed in the high tunnel
Harvesting chard
Cooper running down onion beds
Bagged CSA ready for deliveries
Crunchy King radish
web store on 04-28
Small share CSA May 2, kale, Napa cabbage, mustard, Hakurei turnips and salad mix
Freshly disked field
Kiribati green oak leaf lettuce
Hakurei turnips
Josephine with an arm full of beets
Carlos delivering CSAs
Purple cabbages in a crate
Napa cabbage
webstore 05-03
Josephine checking on the spring crops
A doe and several kids
Tubby Creek Farm delivery in front of a members apartment door
Cooper standing between a bed of flowering arugula and mustard
Collard greens
Zeppo beats bunched
hakurei turnips without greens
Kohlrabi w/o greens
Carrots bunched
Chioggia beets, red and white marbled interior beets with greens
A box turtle posing for a picture. Found this tortoise crawling around the farm
Rushing to finish tractor work before the rain starts
Spring rolls and peanut sauce. all the veg from the farm
The spring section looks great but is on the way out, high tunnels and wash pack building in background
Randy taking a food safety course via Zoom
Small share the week of 05-19
Josephine doing a walk through inspection of the spring veggies
CSA from the week of 05-09
Josephine & Cooper after working in the field
Stomping down buckwheat we planted between beds.
Inside the new wash pack building
HSUD hooking up the power
Cooper playing what will become a “kitchen” area
savoy cabbages
One bunch of carrots
Spring onions bunched
A lone apple on a tree
Josephine, Cooper and Randy (L to R)
Cooper picking Sungold cherry tomatoes
Onions layed out to cure
Rainbow carrots bunched
Red onions bunched in a crate
Basil bunched
Lights on in wash pack
Cooper playing in the new building
Power being hooked up to new building
Blueberries on the bush
Green lace wing beetle, a beneficial insect
A Lady beetle, a beneficial insect
Nichole and Gina harvesting onions
Our work crew enjoying a cookout on Juneteenth
Juliet tomatoes
sungold cherry tomatoes
Sakura cherry tomatoes
Carrots loose
Blueberries in pint containers
Josephine and Mary (L to R) at our CYCFM booth with lots of tomatoes
Eli working on the trellis
Josephine at the farmers market
Anna working in the pack shed prepping onions
Kenny getting ready to spray carrots
Nichole prepping onions for the CSA
Black and yellow banana spider found in our field
Trampled buckwheat did great between these beds of winter squash
Randy’s selfie in front of the summer cover of sunflowers
sunflower and cowpea cover crop
Winter squash blossom
Copperhead found during morning harvest
Roasted okra and juliet tomatoes
Final tomato planting
Sunflower cover crop
Paste tomatoes 10 pound box
Sunflower cover crop
Cooper helping Josephine hook up irrigation
Cooper showing Randy how to use the screw gun
Field of sunflowers
Grammy G pulling Cooper in the wagon
Really friendly carrots
Winter squash harvested
Late summer plantings of tomatoes,peppers, eggplant and melons
Personal sized watermelons
Okra beds doing good
Cooper, Dagney and Frank plying with some watermelons
Harvesting lots of little melons
Paste tomatoes ready to roast
Italian eggplants on the bush
Cooper showing us which way eggs are packed into a carton
Lots of rain then comes lots of mushrooms
One of many thunderstorms that blew through this last last week
Lemoyne and his heard
Butte4nut squash
Mary and Dagney working our booth at the Cooper Young Community Farmers Market
US Small Farm one row sweet potato digger front view
US Small Farm one row sweet potato digger side view
Cooper hosing off sweet potatoes
Roasted goat, potatoes, okra, tomatoes with rice
Sweet potatoes crated and curing in the high tunnel
Sweet potato harvest, Mary and Dagny, Cooper and a Ryan(R to L)
Randy harvesting sweet potatoes
Fall lettuce and beets are looking good
three beds of carrots are growing
Melea planting strawberries
Anna, Nicole and Melea holding up giant sweet potatoes found during harvesting
Cooper and Frank out looking for something to get into
Josephine & Cooper enjoying a small campfire
Forty beds formed and ready for spring crops
Melea and Nicole planting more fall lettuce
Beets! It’ll be a little bit but they’re a coming
Goats found the play house
Cooper running on 420 bales of wheat straw
Ya Broccoli!
Josephine and a, um, hmm diakon
Josephine gettin after it, breaking nuts loose on the disk
Cooper next to our hidden spring fed pond
A little frog on the kale
Jo and a head of cauliflower
Red radishes
Nicole (L) and Melea (R) bagging lettuce mix
Exploded fig caused by freezing temperatures
Cooper picking some pears for goat treats
Planting an experimental plot of red winter wheat
Fall colors, the sumac turns a great red in November
Yellow twin and twisty carrots on top of plain straight orange carrots
Savoy cabbages harvested and in the walk in
Brussel sprouts are looking good
Cooper harvesting Hakurei turnips
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