Glorious Fall Weather

Glorious Fall Weather
Randy (L) and Robin (R) cutting poles as they work on repairing a high tunnel
Randy (L) and Robin (R) cutting poles as they work on repairing a high tunnel

It is glorious to be working outdoors at this time of the year.  Especially after the heat of summer.  Time to break out the sweatshirts and jackets.  Hallelujah!  We are excited to have a box jam-packed full of produce this week.  We ate some cabbage for dinner last night, it was so sweet and delicious!  It really is an amazing time of year.

Where are the carrots? you may be wondering.  I expect them to be ready to start putting in the shares next week.  We know they are a much anticipated favorite for many, so we will be including them each week once they are ready.

Today Randy will mow down the very last of our summer field crops. There are still a few tomatoes in the high tunnels, but otherwise it’s goodbye summer!  Not that we mind, I am 100% ready to start coasting towards the end of the CSA season.   I love being a CSA farmer, but I love having an off-season, too.

Small shares

  • bok choy
  • watermelon radish
  • cauliflower
  • green cabbage
  • collards

Full shares

  • bok choy
  • watermelon radish
  • cauliflower
  • green cabbage
  • mustard greens
  • hakurei turnips