Suspicious Hen

Suspicious Hen
This hen snuck off and hatched seven little chicks. Josephine caught them all and moved them to a safe space
This hen snuck off and hatched seven little chicks. Josephine caught them all and moved them to a safe space

On Friday I found a hen behaving suspiciously.  She was sitting really low to the ground and didn’t run off when I pulled up.  Sure enough she was hiding a clutch of freshly hatched chicks.  While most of our chickens live in the chicken coop and stay in the chicken yard, we have a handful of yard birds who go where they please and roost in the trees around our house.   But with cats and dogs and vehicles, the open yard is no place for baby chicks.   Mama hen and the babies have been safely relocated to the stock trailer.  When I collected them the first time I must have missed a chick.  Because I came back later to find a little chick had made its way into the chicken yard and was chasing around a random hen and peeping wildly as if to say, “are you my mommy?!?!”  The hen was quite flustered.  I scooped up the little one and put it with the others, and all remains well.

Congratulations to Meg on her promotion to Production Manager.  Meg started working on the farm in 2023.  Having already learned a lot about our farming methods, in this position she’ll be taking that knowledge to the next level.  We can’t think of anyone better for the job.

Small Shares

  • Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Eggplant
  • Squash and/or Zucchini
  • San Marzano type tomatoes
  • Bell or sweet peppers


Full Shares

  • Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Eggplant
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Green tomatoes
  • Red slicing tomatoes
  • Cucumbers or squash/zucchini
  • Bell or sweet peppers