Rainy May

Rainy May
Quick turn around. Beds made between all the rain. All fifteen beds are in the process of being filled with tomatoes, okra, squash, and more.
Quick turn around. Beds made between all the rain. All fifteen beds are in the process of being filled with tomatoes, okra, squash, and more.

This is the last week of the spring share!  Thank you for letting us be your farmers this spring, we hope you have enjoyed the vegetables.  It was a particularly challenging season, mostly because the weather has been so wet.  This May we got ten inches of rain.  Average rainfall for May is 5.5 inches.  I don’t think we have ever had a rainier spring in all our time here on the farm.

We’ve been adapting the best we can.  The second planting of tomatoes ended up going in one of the high tunnels instead of in the field.  And on Thursday, by some miracle, we managed to get 15 more beds made.  Today Meg single-handedly planted 300 tomatoes, 100 eggplant, and seeded 720 feet of okra.   Butternut squash and zucchini will also be going in these beds.  We had hoped to be making more beds this week but the ground is still saturated and the next rain is forecast for Saturday.

Very soon, maybe even starting next week (depending, of course, on the weather), we will be digging potatoes and carrots.  I’m a little concerned to see how

A wet, wet, wet spring. We were able to finally make some beds even though it was too wet.
A wet, wet, wet spring. We were able to finally make some beds even though it was too wet.

these subterranean crops have fared with all the extra moisture.  I will know soon enough!  If they have done well we should have a banner carrot year.  As far as the above ground portion goes, all the beds are looking great.  We’ve already started bringing some of the onions in to cure in the greenhouse.  Sometimes we are picking squash by the end of May.  Looks like it will be early June this year, but still it is not far off.

Onwards toward summer!  I hear it is supposed to be a hot one.

Small Shares

  • Fennel
  • Red Onion
  • Napa Cabbage
  • Lacinato Kale
  • Mini Bibb lettuce
  • Sweet Basil

Full Shares

  • Fennel
  • Red Onion
  • Napa Cabbage
  • Red Russian Kale
  • Collards
  • Lettuce Mix
  • Sweet Basil

** Saturday shares may be a little different